Six Steps to Establishing a Digital Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing plan

The first step in establishing a Digital Marketing plan is to define your target audience. You will need to identify your customers’ pain points. These are the specific problems they experience and would like to solve. These pain points should tie into your strategic digital marketing plan. Then, you can define the ‘Big Idea’ of your campaign and how to persuade your audience to purchase your product. To create a plan that will get you there, you must have a deep understanding of your target market and how they interact with your product or service.

A social media ad campaign can be an excellent way to generate website traffic and retarget customers. Social media paid ads mimic traditional billboards and are easy to set up. Successful display ads contain a logo, an appealing design, a clear copy, and a call to action (CTA) that converts. In addition, creating a consistent experience for users will increase brand recall and make visitors more likely to remember your brand.

Once you have a clear understanding of who your customers are, you can determine which channels are most effective for you. In B2C digital marketing, you can leverage social media and email marketing to increase brand awareness. While email marketing and social media are cheap, B2B digital marketing can be more targeted and costly. For both types of customers, you must tailor your digital marketing strategy to the needs of the customer and make it a continuous work in progress.

Among the most common methods, SMS marketing is a great way to reach your target audience and drive more traffic. It also works to increase the visibility of your product or service. Using mobile technology to reach more people is essential. For example, 91% of Google users search on their mobile devices, which means your paid search advertising campaign should be optimized for mobile. If you miss this opportunity, it’s time to revamp your digital marketing plan. Additionally, you can use paid social media advertising to engage your audience and build brand awareness.

Regardless of your digital marketing strategy, it’s important to set realistic goals. Then, you can determine which tactics and strategies will generate the most ROI. While clicks and conversions are important for online marketing, revenue is the key. Clearly define your revenue goals, and then set a budget to meet those objectives. A comprehensive plan should include both organic and paid tactics, marketing automation solutions, and the most effective combination of all of them.